Dr. Syed Monirul Hossain is a Lecturer of Sunway Business School, Sunway University, Malaysia. Previously, he held faculty position at Stamford University in Bangladesh and served as a Guest Lecturer at Naresuan University, Thailand. Dr. Hossain is a postgraduate of Wollongong University, Australia, and a PhD in Business Administration from Naresuan University, Thailand. His scholarly contributions are noted in the Journal of Industrial Integration and Management, Global Business & Organizational Excellence, Cogent Business & Management and European Journal of International Management. He has also authored book chapters and presented papers at conferences such as Academy of International Business (AIB) and British Academy of Management (BAM). 


Dr. Hossain’s research focuses on Organizational Leadership Development and the role of informal social networks in facilitating human capital for sustainable ventures. His current project on “Entrepreneurial Pedagogy for Design Thinking & Innovation” received RM 18,750 in funding from the Early Career Researchers’ Grant Scheme for 2024 by Sunway University Research Services Centre.

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