Insan Putranda is currently leading digital transformation efforts at FPSB Indonesia and is also a Co-Founder of Academy Financial Coaching Indonesia, both family-run businesses in financial planning education (conventional and syariah). His career began at FPSB Indonesia in 2010, where he supported the family business for a year before working in various other industries for 10 years. In 2023, he returned to contribute to the family business and has been actively involved since.

He previously led IT projects at Indonesia’s leading news portal, focusing on web and mobile site development. Leveraging his expertise in web technology, education, and his passion for games and music, he designs and implements innovative models to make financial planning education more efficient and engaging.

He also earned his Master’s degree in Informatics from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2023 and a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from the University of Melbourne in 2009.

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