Vista Summerose Sdn. Bhd. was founded by Nik Haikal’s parents. 

Since his teenage years, Nik’s parents had allowed Nik to be involved in operational side of the business so he would have foundational experience in the inner workings of the company from the very bottom of the company towards the top. 


Every school holiday and semester break, Nik would work with his parents and learn the family business bit by bit. Once Nik had completed his Masters in International Management in United Kingdom, he joined back with the family business on the managerial level and started to manage the company side by side with his parents. 


Since the passing of his mother in 2022, Nik has taken the role of an Executive Director and has acquired many new projects since his take over. Together with his father and two brothers in the company, Nik has been working hand in hand towards creating a strong and lasting family legacy for themselves.

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